Difference Between Union and Join in Sql

Difference Between Union and Join in Sql

The SQL UNION, SQL INTERSECT, and SQL EXCEPT clauses are used to combine or exclude similar rows from ii or more tables.  They are useful when you demand to combine the results from separate queries into ane single effect.  They differ from a join in that entire rows are matched and, every bit a result, included or excluded from the combined result.


These operators tin can be used on any query; withal, a couple uncomplicated of conditions must be met:

  1. The number and order columns must exist the same in both queries
  2. The data types must be the same or uniform.
Visual Explanation of SQL UNION, SQL INTERSECT, and SQL EXCEPT set operators.

SQL UNION Set Operator

In this section let'south talk nearly the SQL Matrimony operator.  You tin use the UNION clause to combine table rows from two unlike queries into one event.

What is a SQL UNION?

Dissimilar a join, which combines columns from dissimilar tables, a wedlock combines rows from different tables.  Here is an illustration of what a SQL Union looks similar

SQL Union ALL Diagram

In SQL this statement looks similar

SELECT columnlist FROM   table1 UNION SELECT columnlist FROM   table2

In guild to union ii tables at that place are a couple of requirements:

  1. The number of columns must be the aforementioned for both select statements.
  2. The columns, in lodge, must be of the same data type.

When rows are combined duplicate rows are eliminated.  If you want to continue all rows from both select statement'south results use the ALL keyword.

Acquire More: What is the Difference Between a Join and a Spousal relationship >>

Combine Tabular array Rows Using SQL UNION

The Union operator returns rows from both tables.  Use Spousal relationship to render a distinct list of values. Utilize UNION ALL to return distinct rows.  SQL UNION for sorting results from ii separate queries every bit one combined upshot.  For instance, if you accept 2 tables, Vendor, and Client, and you want a combined listing of names, you lot tin can easily exercise so using:

SELECT 'Vendor', V.Name FROM   Vendor V UNION SELECT 'Customer', C.Proper noun FROM   Customer C Social club By Name

Note the ORDER By clause applies to the combined result.

Union ii tables

Suppose y'all were asked to provide a list of all AdventureWorks product categories and subcategories.  To practise this y'all could write two separate queries and provide two separate results, such as ii spreadsheets, or you could utilise the SQL UNION operator to deliver one combined result:

SELECT C.Name FROM   Production.ProductCategory As C Marriage ALL SELECT S.Name FROM   Production.ProductSubcategory AS S

From this you get a combined list of names, but suppose you wanted to know which names were categories versus subcategories.  To exercise this you can add a new column indicating the category type:

SELECT 'category',        C.Name FROM   Production.ProductCategory AS C Spousal relationship ALL SELECT 'subcategory',        South.Name FROM   Product.ProductSubcategory Equally S

SQL Matrimony versus SQL UNION ALL

The difference betwixt UNION and UNION ALL is that Spousal relationship returns a unique set of rows from the issue; whereas, Marriage ALL returns every row.

SELECT person.Address.Urban center FROM   person.Accost

Returns 19614 rows.

SELECT person.Address.City FROM   person.Address          UNION          SELECT person.Address.City FROM   person.Address

Returns 575 rows, which is the number of distinct city names inside the table.  Running SQL UNION All returns the entire fix of city names twice:

SELECT person.Address.City FROM   person.Address          Matrimony ALL          SELECT person.Accost.City FROM   person.Accost

It returns 39228 rows.

As you can come across in that location is a big difference with using the ALL qualifier.  When not used, the results are distinct values.  Duplicates are not simply eliminated betwixt rows from each event, but too from within.

Wedlock three tables

Suppose direction wants a combined list of people, vendors, and shop names identified by source.

To practice this we create three split up queries and then use the SQL UNIONclause to put them together.  We will then order the list.

SELECT 'Person' AS Source,        FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS Name FROM   person.Person          UNION          SELECT 'Vendor',        Proper name FROM   Purchasing.Vendor          UNION          SELECT 'Store',        Name FROM   Sales.Shop ORDER BY Name;

At first glance you may remember the Lodge By clause would only apply to the last select statement, just in fact it applies to all the results returned by the sql marriage.  The database engine offset process all the wedlock statements and so the order by.

If you lot're in doubt nigh the processing order, you can use parenthesis "()" to command the order of evaluation much similar you can with expressions.  Hither is what the statement, in general, would look like with parenthesis:

                      (          SELECT 'Person' Every bit Source,        FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS Name FROM   person.Person UNION SELECT 'Vendor',        Name FROM   Purchasing.Vendor UNION SELECT 'Store',        Name FROM   Sales.Store            )                    Society BY Name;

SQL Intersect Fix Operator

The SQL INTERSECT operator is used to combine like rows from ii queries.  It returns rows that are in common between both results.  To use the SQL INTERSECT operator, both queries must return the same number of columns and those columns must be of compatible data types.

In this example, the circles represent two queries.  The orange circle is the left query; whereas, the blueish circumvolve is the correct.  The area within each circle represents that query's results.

Visual Explanation of SQL Intersect Operator
Visual Explanation of the Intersect Operator

As you can see the green portion represents the result of the SQL INTERSECT operator.  This expanse represents those rows that are in both the left and correct query.

SQL Intersect Example

Below is the general format of the INTERSECT operator.

SELECT Name, BirthDate FROM Employee INTERSECT SELECT Name, BirthDate FROM Customer

At that place are two queries which are separated by the SQL INTERSECT operator.  The tiptop query is commonly called the left query.

The query is valid since both the left and right queries contain the same number of columns and each cavalcade is a similar information type; Char and Engagement respectively.

Contrast this to

SELECT Name, BirthDate FROM Employee INTERSECT SELECT Age, BirthDate, Name FROM Customer

Which is invalid on multiple levels.  Start the number of columns isn't the same.  Additionally, the data type for each column is incompatible.  For case, Name, which is a Char column isn't a compatible data type with Age.


The intersect operator is practiced when you want to find common rows between two results.  The INTERSECT operator is similar to the AND operator; yet, they operate on unlike database objects.

The SQL Intersect operator is used to compare entire rows; whereas, theAND operator is used to compare columns inside rows.

Say what?

Don't worry, it becomes clearer beneath.

Intersect Two Tables

Let's assume nosotros want to find all job titles for positions held by both male and female employees.  How could we do this?  The first set is to compose the queries to find positions held by males, so to do the aforementioned for females.

Here is the query for males, the one for the females is very similar:

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'M'

To finish we need to find out which titles are in common.  To exercise this we tin use the SQL INTERSECT operator.

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'Yard' INTERSECT SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'F'

You may be tempted to effort and simplify this argument by eliminating the INTERSECT operator all together and employ the following

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'M'        AND Gender = 'F'

But this won't just work.  Why?  Because the Where clause is evaluated for each row and you're never going to discover a Gender value equal toboth M and F for thesame record.

Using Order By with SQL INTERSECT

To order the consequence by JobTitle we can utilize an Social club BY clause.  Continue in mind this works on the the final row gear up returned past the involvement operator.

SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'M' INTERSECT SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'F' ORDER By JobTitle


The INTERSECT hasn't always been part of SQL Server .  Before its introduction to the language  y'all had to mimic the INTERSECT behavior using andINNER JOIN.

Below is the equivalent statement to observe job titles in common for both genders:

SELECT Singled-out M.JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee AS G        INNER JOIN        HumanResources.Employee AS F        ON M.JobTitle = F.JobTitle           AND M.Gender = 'Thou'           AND F.Gender = 'F'

This bring together is called a cocky-bring together, since we are joining the table to itself.  The thought is to match up every JobTitle with same values.  Past pairing these values together we can then compare their corresponding gender values and keep those where one gender is male and the other female.

Annotation:  These are equivalent to a point.  AS nosotros take learned,Null aren't values, therefore Cipher = NULL is always simulated.  Given this, the INNER JOIN fails to match on joins; however, the SQL INTERSECT operator does match NULLS.

You'll observe there is usually more than one fashion to solve a trouble in SQL.

SQL Except Set Operator

The SQL EXCEPT operator is used to exclude like rows that are found in one query only not another.  Information technology returns rows that are unique to ane result.  To use the EXCEPT operator, both queries must return the aforementioned number of columns and those columns must be of compatible data types.

In this example, the circles represent two queries.  The orangish circumvolve is the left query; whereas, the blue circle is the right.  The area within each circle represents that query'south results.

Visual Explanation of SQL Except Operator

As you can see the orange crescent (moon shape) represents the event of the EXCEPT operator.  This area represents those rows that are on the left and not in the right query.


Below is the general format of the EXCEPT operator.

SELECT Name, BirthDate FROM Employee EXCEPT SELECT Proper noun, BirthDate FROM Customer

At that place are two queries that are separated by the EXCEPT operator.  The top query is normally chosen the left query.

The query is valid since both the left and right queries contain the same number of columns and each column is a like data type; Char and Date respectively.

Contrast this to

SELECT Name, BirthDate FROM Employee EXCEPT SELECT Age, BirthDate, Name FROM Customer

Which is invalid on multiple levels.  Start, the number of columns isn't the aforementioned.  Additionally, the data type for each cavalcade is incompatible.  For case, Name, which is a Char column isn't a compatible information type with Historic period.

Uses for SQL Except

The except operator is adept when you want to notice common rows exclusive to i result. I like to use it when testing query results. I accept the result of my un proven query and EXCEPT them against a proven query. This assist me place rows deserving my attending and troubleshooting.

Except Ii Tables

Let's presume we want to find all task titles for positions held by males merely not female employees.  How could we practise this?  The start set is to compose the queries to find positions held by males, then to do the same for females.

Here are the query males, the one for females is very like:

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'One thousand'

To terminate nosotros need to detect out which titles are mutual to only male employees.  To do this we tin can utilise the EXCEPT operator.

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'Thousand' EXCEPT SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'F'

Yous may be tempted to try and simplify this statement by eliminating the EXCEPT operator all together and use the post-obit

SELECT JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee WHERE  Gender = 'Yard'        AND NOT Gender = 'F'

But this won't simply work.  Why?  Because the Where clause is evaluated for each row.  Logically this where clause will return all job titles for males.

Using Order By with EXCEPT

To order the result by JobTitle we can use an ORDER BY clause.  Keep in mind this works on the terminal row set up returned past the except operator.

SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'Chiliad' EXCEPT SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'F' Social club Past JobTitle

SQL EXCEPT Equivalence

Using Subquery

The EXCEPT operator was just recently added to SQL Server.  Earlier its introduction to the language, you had to mimic the EXCEPT behavior using a subquery.

SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'M' EXCEPT SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'F' Lodge BY JobTitle

Below is the equivalent statement to observe task titles only held by Males:

SELECT Distinct 1000.JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee AS K WHERE  One thousand.Gender = 'M'        AND Thousand.JobTitle NOT IN          (SELECT F.JOBTITLE                                        FROM   HumanResources.Employee AS F                                        WHERE  F.Gender = 'F')        

I colored the subquery in green.  We oasis't talked most sub queries yet, but will in the adjacent serial of articles.  In full general, the subquery is run once for each event returned from the main query.  In this case, once we select a job title that is held by a male (the main query) we then do another query asking whether that job championship in the set up of job titles held by females (the subquery).  If non, and then the job championship is retained in the results.

Using Outer Join

Use the EXCEPT Operator to return only rows found in the left query.  It returns unique rows from the left query that aren't in the correct query's results.  This query is useful when yous're looking to notice rows that are in ane ready only not another.  For example, to create a list of all vendors that are not customers y'all could write:

SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'M' EXCEPT SELECT   JobTitle FROM     HumanResources.Employee WHERE    Gender = 'F' ORDER BY JobTitle

Like INTERSECTION, EXCEPT has an equivalent SQL statement.  In this case, we tin can use an OUTER JOIN to construct its equivalent:

SELECT Distinct M.JobTitle FROM   HumanResources.Employee Thousand        LEFT OUTER JOIN HumanResources.Employee F        ON Yard.Championship = F.Title AND F.Gender = 'F' WHERE Thousand.Gender = 'M' ORDER By M.JobTitle

Using Parenthesis

You can build complicated queries using these operators.  In fact, there'south nothing stopping you from combining one or more of these operators into a super query.  When this is done, be sure to use parenthesis "()" to control which operators are evaluated get-go.

It may not exist apparent to you or another SQL reader that,


Evaluates as

                      (            (          SELECT A FROM TA INTERSECT SELECT B FROM TB            )                    EXCEPT SELECT C FROM TC            )                    Spousal relationship SELECT D FROM TD

When in that location is no parenthesis, the order of evaluation is:

  2. EXCEPT and UNION are evaluated Left to Right

Can you remember this?

My recommendation is to just employ parenthesis and make it clear.  Tricky is kewl, simply you'll become burned down the route when you misread your own lawmaking – trust me on this one…

Out of the three queries, the UNION operator is irreplaceable.  There is no other way to combine results from ii queries into a single result without using UNION.

On the other paw, every bit you saw before, both EXCEPT and INTERSECT'southward results tin can be reproduced using OUTER and INNER JOINS respectively.  In fact, you'll find that the Bring together version of the queries runs more efficiently than EXCEPT and INTERSECT practise and is more versatile every bit y'all can include fields from the left tabular array that aren't in the correct.

For instance

SELECT V.Name, V.Address FROM   Vendor V EXCEPT SELECT C.Proper noun FROM   Customer C ORDER BY Name

Isn't valid, since the number of columns in both queries doesn't match, whereas,

SELECT Singled-out V.Name, V.Address FROM   Vendor V LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer C ON V.Proper name = C.Name WHERE C.Proper noun is NULL ORDER By Five.Name

Is valid.

Difference Between Union and Join in Sql

Posted by: mildredyourrimed.blogspot.com


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